BMW X3 (F25) Service & Repair Manual: Front axle repair instructions

BMW X3 (F25) Service & Repair Manual / Suspension / Front axle repair instructions

Danger of poisoning if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin

Danger of poisoning!

Ingesting oil or absorbing through the skin may cause poisoning!

Possible symptoms are:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach aches
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cramps/fits
  • Unconsciousness

Protective measures/rules of conduct:

  • Pour oil only into appropriately marked containers
  • Do not pour oil into drinking vessels (drinks bottles, glasses, cups or mugs)
  • Observe country-specific safety regulations

First aid measures:

  • Do not induce vomiting.

    If the person affected is still conscious, he/she must rinse out their mouth with water, drink plenty of water and consult a doctor immediately.

    If the person affected is unconscious, do not administer anything by mouth, place the person in the recovery position and seek immediate medical attention.

Front axle + steering: wheel alignment check must be carried out after the following work


A WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK must be carried out after the following work:

Release the following screw connections:

  • Steering box to front axle support
  • Lower wishbone to front axle support
  • Track rod end to track rod

Replace the following components:

  • Steering box (1)
  • Front axle support (2)
  • Wishbone, bottom (3)
  • Swivel bearing (4)
  • Track rod end (5)
  • Track rod (6)




Information on replacing shock absorbers


When a shock absorber is faulty on one side (leaking, noises, etc.), often both shock absorbers on the axle in question are replaced.


This is not necessary for technical reasons and causes the manufacturer not to recognize the unnecessarily removed shock absorbers as defective parts. Unnecessarily high costs for the customer can be avoided by replacing the shock absorber on one side only.


If one shock absorber is damaged, it is only necessary to replace both shock absorbers when the car has driven in excess of 80 000 km.

Exception: On all M-GmbH models, when a limit value is exceeded on one side, it is still necessary always to replace both shock absorbers on the relevant axle.


Due to the chemical and corrosion characteristics of aluminium, always comply with the following points when handling aluminium components:

  • Do not bring into contact with battery acid!
  • Do not clean with wire brushes made of brass or iron! Always use wire brushes with stainless steel bristles!
  • Do not expose to flying sparks when grinding/separating! Cover components!
  • Do not strike with steel welding chips! Cover components!
  • Do not expose to temperatures > 80 ºC, even for brief periods! Temperatures in paint facilities do not have the same impact

Lifting the vehicle using a vehicle hoist

WARNING: Danger to life! Read and follow operating instructions for vehicle hoist.

Do not exceed approved load-carrying capacity and load distribution of vehicle hoist.

Weight compensation may be necessary due to the loading situation of the vehicle.

This also applies in the event of considerable removal of parts or conversions on the vehicle.

NOTE: The vehicle hoist must comply with the relevant statutory/country-specific accident prevention regulations and be serviced according to the regulations.

IMPORTANT: Risk of damage! Before driving onto a vehicle hoist, make sure there is sufficient ground clearance between the vehicle hoist and the vehicle.

The vehicle may only be raised with the vehicle hoist at the four jacking points.

Necessary preliminary work:

  • If necessary, remove jacking points from equipment pack (with new vehicles) and insert from below into openings in front and rear sill areas

IMPORTANT: All four jacking points (1) must be available! Never raise the vehicle without the jacking points (1)!


IMPORTANT: Risk of damage! Align support plates (2) of lifting platform arms to jacking points (1) in such a way that no adjoining components are touched and thereby damaged.

In hybrid cars there is a risk of damage to the high-voltage component behind the underbody panelling!


IMPORTANT: Risk of damage! Align the rubber block (2) with the jacking points (1) in such a way that no adjoining components are touched and thereby damaged.

Never raise the vehicle without rubber blocks (or rigid foam blocks)! There is a major risk of damage to the vehicle underbody! In hybrid cars there is a risk of damage to the high-voltage component behind the underbody panelling!


Mobile table lift

WARNING: Danger of injury! Before beginning work, position table lift with the lower frame securely on the floor.

Danger area around mechanism below platform.

  • Do not reach into or step into the danger area.
  • Note permissible bearing capacity of table lift.
  • Mount load centrally (danger of tipping) and secure against shifting.

Follow the operating instructions from the equipment manufacturer.

The mobile table lift is used for collision repairs and when removing large engines.

Adaptations for mounting front axle with engine and transmission.



Release star knob screw on working plate (B) of table lift; the working surface (B) can be extended by approx. 310 mm.

Release all push-pull clamps and the working plates can be shifted by approx. 20 mm.

Working plate (A and B) can be raised and lowered by 3º on the long side and by 5º on the transverse side.

Working plate (A and B) is subdivided by a coordinate system and a possible installation position is recommended in the respective repair manual.


IMPORTANT: Follow the operating instructions from the equipment manufacturer.

Notes on repairing threads (A)

IMPORTANT: Install Helicoil thread inserts so that they are flush with the original thread!

NOTE: Damaged threads may be repaired with Helicoil thread inserts. Observe the PROCEDURE described in the example.


Notes on repairing threads (B)

IMPORTANT: Install Helicoil thread inserts so that they are flush with the original thread.

NOTE: Damaged threads on the engine support may be repaired with Helicoil thread inserts. Follow the procedure described in the example.



1. Create a clean core hole; if necessary, drill out screw remnants


2. Create locating thread for Helicoil thread insert


3. Pick out Helicoil thread insert in accordance with the TABLE and screw into the locating thread until flush with the original thread


4. Break drive pin and remove





Raising vehicle with trolley jack

Observe the following trolley-jack-related instructions:

1. Only trolley jacks sold or approved by BMW, with a rubber plate on their mounting, may be used! 2. Trolley jacks must be regularly serviced and always checked for functional reliability before they are used! 3. Check the rubber plate on the trolley jack prior to each use, replacing if necessary.


IMPORTANT: All-wheel drive vehicles may only be raised with the stiffening plate fitted on the front axle! Raising directly on the front axle support without stiffening plate is not permissible!

WARNING: The vehicle may be raised with a trolley jack only at the following mounting point!

  1. Car jacking point
  2. Side car jacking points
  3. Rear axle final drive

NOTE: It is not permitted to raise the vehicle at the rear differential cover!


Risk of damage!

Jacking point (1) must be present! Align the rubber plate on the trolley jack to the jacking point (1) in such a way that there is no contact to adjacent components and that they are therefore not damaged.


Risk of injury if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin

Danger of injury! Contact with eyes or skin may result in injury! Possible symptoms are:

  • Impaired sight
  • Irritation of the eyes
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Rough and cracked skin

Protective measures/rules of conduct:

  • Wear safety goggles
  • Wear oil-resistant protective gloves
  • Observe country-specific safety regulations

First aid measures:

  • Eye contact: Rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes; if available, use an eye-rinsing bottle. If irritation of the eyes persists, consult a doctor.
  • Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water immediately. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.

NOTE: Do not use solvents/thinners.

Safety information for working on vehicles with automatic engine start-stop function (msa)

WARNING: If the engine hood/bonnet contact is pulled upwards (workshop mode), the information "switch closed" is output. The automatic engine start-stop function is active.

An automatic engine start is possible.

Observe safety precautions when working on MSA vehicles.

Before carrying out practical work on the engine, always ensure that the MSA functionality is deactivated so as to prevent automatic engine starting while work is being carried out in the engine compartment.

MSA function is deactivated by:

  • Deactivate MSA by means of button (1) in passenger compartment
  • Open seat belt buckle and driver's door


Open engine bonnet/hood and ensure that engine hood/bonnet contact is not in workshop mode

  • Workshop mode
    A = 10 mm
  • Basic setting (engine hood/bonnet open)
    B = 7 mm

To make sure that the engine hood/bonnet contact is at the basic setting, if necessary press the hood/bonnet contact up to the limit position before starting work and slowly release.


Safety instructions for handling oil

WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! RISK OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

Recycling: Observe country-specific waste disposal regulations.

Measures if oil is unintentionally released:

  • Personal precautionary measures: Danger of slipping! Keep noninvolved persons away from the work area. Wear personal protective clothing/equipment.
  • Environmental protection measures: Prevent oil from draining into drain channels, sewerage systems, pits, cellars, water and the ground.
  • Limiting spread: Use oil blocks to prevent the surface spread of oil.
  • Cleaning procedure: Bind and dispose of escaped oil with nonflammable absorbents.

NOTE: Do not flush oil away with water or aqueous cleaning agents.

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